At Edita,
we believe in the essential role of sustainable practices for long-term value creation
Corporate Governance
We believe a strong governance structure is essential to long-term success, and for that reason we have created a framework that provides guidelines for assessing the company’s overall performance. We have also outlined the roles of the Board of Directors, who are committed to Edita’s successes and work tirelessly to develop company policies and guidelines, as well as advise executive management on crucial matters. Edita’s corporate governance framework also details legal compliance and disclosure requirements, as well as roles and responsibilities of the company’s audit and remuneration committees.

Anti-Corruption Efforts and Internal Audit
We promote ethical conduct and increase employee awareness of anti-corruption efforts through our internal audit department, and prioritize information security, data and recipe protection, and proper cyber security measures. Our whistleblowing channel is in effect to encourage employees to speak up and maintain professional ethics and integrity.
Employee Wellbeing and Development
We strive to make sure that our employees receive fair compensation and benefits, feel safe to communicate their feedback openly with management — especially by means of prohibiting discrimination and promoting gender equality and undergo trainings that feed their development journey. We also implement internationally benchmarked health and safety policies and procedures across our operations to maintain a safe work environment and monitor any violations.

Environmental Sustainability
We take steps to reduce our ecological footprint and actively promote green operations. Our Safety, Health and Environmental (SHE) policies coupled with our Edita Risk and Environmental Management System (eREMS) help us minimize environmental risk, dispose of waste safely and preserve quality of life in surrounding communities. We have also achieved ISO 14001 certification across all facilities, which helps us meet an array of environment-specific legal obligations, increase resource efficiency, decrease utilities consumption and improve our environmental impact.
Operational Sustainability
We foster sustainable operations using a Triple Bottom Line strategy that mobilizes our efforts towards improving profits, people and planet. Our state-of-the-art production facilities are all located in industrial zones, away from residential areas, and provide us with the power to cater to growing market demands in a safe environment for employees. We also apply upgrades, or full renovations when necessary, across our plants.

Corporate Social Responsibility
We created “Building Pioneers” to provide underserved children in Beni Suef governorate with skills they can use in their quest to become future leaders. In partnership with Educate Me and the Ministry of Education in Egypt, educational camps are conducted for children to learn personal and life skills, and for mothers to learn child psychology and the importance of nutrition for their children's well-being. The program is growing, and with it our ability to serve more and more individuals and communities in the region.
A Commitment to Global Principles and Initiatives
We joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in 2017 and have since been using its universal principles — rooted in human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption — to improve on strategies and operations. We have also shown unwavering commitment to adhere to as many of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as possible and created a sustainability framework that governs our move towards increased sustainability using both international structures.
Environmental Social Governance (ESG)